A soldier should be soldierly in dress, soldierly in carriage, and soldierly in courtesies. On all occasions of duty, except fatigue, and when out of quarters, the coat or jacket shall be buttoned and hooked at the collar. Sergeants, with muskets, will salute by bringing the left hand across the body, so as to strike the musket near the right shoulder. Corporals out of ranks, and privates, not sentries, will carry their muskets at a shoulder as sergeants and salute in like manner. When a soldier without arms or side-arms only meets an officer, he is to raise his hand to the right side of the visor of the cap, palm to the front, elbow raised as high as the shoulder, looking at the same time in a respectful manner at the officer, who will return the compliment.
A non-commissioned officer or soldier seated, will rise on the approach of an officer, and make the customary salutation. If standing, he will turn toward the officer for the same purpose. If parties remain in the same area, such compliments need not be repeated. When an officer approaches a number of enlisted men, the word "attention" should be given by someone who perceives him and all should stand at attention and salute. An officer armed with a sabre, renders the sabre salute, if the sabre is drawn; otherwise he salutes with the hand. Salutes are not rendered when marching at the double quick time or at the trot or gallop.
Non-commissioned officers and soldiers should pay the same salutations to officers of other regiments, Navy and Marines. When speaking to an officer a soldier should speak in the third person such as, " Does the Captain want his horse this morning?"?" Do not say "Do you want your horse this morning." In speaking to an officer an enlisted man should refer to another enlisted man by his proper title, as "Sergeant Smith, Private Ryan". When asked his name a soldier should answer " Private Jones, Sir". Do not use slang while speaking to an officer. After a soldier finishes a task he was ordered to do, he should always report back to that same officer who gave him the order i.e. " The Captains message has been delivered ".
Always salute an officer just as soon as that officer makes the first move to leave. Upon entering an office or tent, a soldier should knock, whether open or closed, enter, taking off the hat, and remain just inside the door until asked what is wanted; then go to a few feet from the officer, stand at attention and salute. On completion, salute, face toward the door and go out. When an enlisted man receives a message, verbal or written, from an officer for delivery, he will salute, and say "Yes Sir", and execute an about-face and proceed immediately to the recipient. Upon reaching the recipient the soldier will salute and say "Sir, Captain Smith presents his compliments". If the officer sending the message is junior to the one receiving it, then the soldier will not present the compliment but say "Sir, Lt. Smith directed me to tell the Captain" etc. The compliments of a junior are never presented to a senior.